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  • Children perform Alice in Wonderland at JW North High School Theatre

    Alice in Wonderland Presented by RCT 1

    The cast of Alice in Wonderland perform the trial scene with the Queen of Hearts during their show at John W North High School in Riverside, CA on Oct 30

  • Young Actors from Riverside Childrens Theatre perform Mary Poppins at Martin Luther King Jr High School Theatre on May 9

    Riverside Childrens Theatre present Mary Poppins Jr 0

    Michael Tsai-Odimo as Robertson Ay, and Gwen Lane as Mary Poppins, Sofia Lopez as Mrs Brill, and Seoyool Kim as Winifred Banks with Atticus Lane as Michael Banks and Oliver Cash as George Banks during Riverside Children's Theatre production of Mary Poppins Jr at the Martin Luther King Jr High School theatre on May 9

  • Ava Fojtik performs on stage

    The Magicians Nephew at the Riverside Community Players Theater 0

    Ava Fojtik, Queen Jadis makes an intimidating entrance on stage during the production of The Magician's Nephew at the Riverside Community Players theater on March 6th, 2024

  • Children in a Finding Nemo costumes performing a play

    Finding Nemo Jr 2

    Marlin, Emre Tuncel, and Dori, Addison Kearl-Brown, pose after they finish their dance number with Crush and the sea turtles during the Finding Nemo Jr production from Riverside Children's Theatre at the Martin Luther King Jr High School Theatre on January 19, 2024